Advanced File System Commands retrieves fields from files in directories based on field values or file metadata values specified in the Where statement. Additional statements such as Limit, Sort, Count or Distinct can be used to further filter the query result. Multiple field comparison can be seperated by Or (And is implied).

Field value comparison operators are:

  • equal: ==
  • not equal: !=
  • greater than: >
  • greater than or equal: >=
  • less than: <
  • less than or equal: <=

Field inclusion/exclusion operators are:

  • inclusive of: in
  • exclusive of: nin

Field functions available are:

  • type of field: typeof([FIELD]) (supported types are ‘string’, ‘int’)
  • existance of field: exists([FIELD])
  • field regular expression: regex([FIELD], REGEX_OPTION). Valid REGEX_OPTION values can be found in the mongodb documentation.

Special Field values are:

  • file name: file_name
  • file privacy: file_ispublic

Return Value:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "path": "/.../...",
            "content": {...}

Example: "age" in /users /staff limit 20 "name" "" in /students where "year">=1 "status"=="active" "date" in /logs where "event"=="failure" limit 50 "" in /users where regex(file_name, "i") == "^j" distinct "age" "" in /members count "" in /members distinct "country" "name" in /banned_users sort asc "date_joined" "name" in /banned_users sort desc "date_joined" "status" in /users where typeof("children")=="int"


database.set sets file field values in a directory based on Where statement as specified in the command.

Return Value:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [number of affected files]


@db1.set "country"="Ghana" in /users where "country"=="gh"


database.unset unsets (or removes) file field values in a directory based on Where statement as specified in the command.

Return Value:

    "status": "ok",
    "data": [number of affected files]


@db1.unset "country" in /users where "country"=="gh"