Quick Tutorial - Python

This guide will give you a quick overview of a few Bytengine api calls.

This guide assumes that you be running Bytengine locally on its default ports. The python code uses the excellent requests module.

Create admin user and start Bytengine server

./bytengine createadmin -u=admin -p=password
./bytengine run

Connect to Bytengine

>>> import requests
>>> url = "http://localhost:8500/"
>>> r = requests.get(url)
>>> print r.text

Login and create database

>>> url = "http://localhost:8500/bfs/token"
>>> data = {"username":"admin","password":"password"}
>>> r = requests.post(url, data=data)
>>> j = r.json()
>>> print j["status"]
>>> token = j["data"]
>>> cmd = 'server.newdb "test"; server.listdb;'  # issue two commands
>>> url = "http://localhost:8500/bfs/query"
>>> data = {"token":token,"query":cmd}
>>> r = requests.post(url, data=data)
>>> j = r.json()
>>> print j["status"]
>>> print j["data"][-1]  # get last result

Content creation: BQL script: ch1_script.bql

/* ============================================
   This is a BQL comment:

   Multiple commands can be issued in a single
   script but must be separated by a ';'
   Results from the all commands will be
   returned in an array.
=============================================== */

/*---- create directories ----*/

@test.newdir /myapp ;
@test.newdir /myapp/users ;

/*---- create file with valid JSON data ----*/

@test.newfile /myapp/users/u1 {"name":"justin","age":24} ;
@test.newfile /myapp/users/u2 {"name":"lola","age":57} ;
@test.newfile /myapp/users/u3 {"name":"jenny","age":33} ;
@test.newfile /myapp/users/u4 {"name":"sam","age":16} ;

/*---- search for users ----*/

@test.select "name" "age" in /myapp/users
where "age" < 20 or regex("name","i") == "^j";

Load and execute script

>>> with open("ch1_script.bql","r") as f:
...     cmd = f.read()
>>> url = "http://localhost:8500/bfs/query"
>>> data = {"token":token,"query":cmd}
>>> r = requests.post(url, data=data)
>>> j = r.json()
>>> j["status"]
>>> len(j["data"][-1])