Configuring Bytengine

Bytengine configuration file is in JSON format and can be found at /bytengine/bytengine/config.json.

The authentication (authentication) and bytengine file system (filesystem) plugins use Mongodb. as their database and the mgo driver.

    "plugin": "mongodb",                // authentication plugin name
    "addresses":["localhost:27017"],    // mongodb server(s)
    "authdb":"",                        // mongodb authentication database
    "username":"",                      // mongodb authentication username
    "password":"",                      // mongodb authentication password
    "timeout":60                        // mongodb client timeout

The state store plugin (statestore), for tokens and cache, relies on Redis.

    "plugin": "redis",              // state store plugin name
    "address": "localhost:6379",    // redis server address
    "password": "",                 // redis server password
    "timeout": 60,                  // redis client timeout
    "database": 1                   // database index

The byte store (bytestore) plugin uses Diskv. for storage.

    "rootdir":"/tmp/bytengine_bst", // directory to store content
    "cachesize":1                   // cache size in mb

Other configurations

    "workers": 2,           // number of goroutines
    "port": 8500,           // bytengine server port
    "address": "localhost", // bytengine server address
    "timeout": {
        "authtoken": 60,    // authentication cache timeout in minutes
        "uploadticket": 60  // upload ticket cache timeout in minutes